What People Are Saying About
Dr. Fine's Work.

The following testimonials come from Dr. Fine's clients, in their own words.

Healing of Coronavirus (COVID-19)

I have been a patient of Dr. Fine, getting healings for genetic issues. In early April, when my husband came home from dialysis, his symptoms started--chills and fever, followed by no appetite for 5 days. He ended up going to the hospital for 12 days with pneumonia and the virus.

During that time, I also came down with similar symptoms, and got tested for the virus. I quarantined myself for 2 weeks. This is when I called Dr. Fine and requested him to do healings for me at home and also my husband, who was hospitalized. Dr. Fine did intense daily healings for each of us. It took a strong physical effort on Dr. Fine's part, but he kept on doing the healings to eventually save our lives!

With all Dr. Fine's healings, many prayers, and God's will, we both made it through this rough ordeal. My husband and I are very thankful and grateful for all Dr. Fine has done for us. He will always be a part of our lives.

Delores and Tony
New Jersey

Breast Cancer Healing

Dr. Fine was the first person I contacted after I was diagnosed with a recurrence of breast cancer. He gave me incredible support and comfort as I navigated a new cancer diagnosis. He was able to reassure me that my cancer had not spread even before the results of my medical scans were available.

While undergoing chemotherapy, Dr. Fine helped me manage the side effects, and my tumor immediately began to shrink to such an extent that it was no longer palpable.

I really feel that Dr. Fine truly cares about me and wants me to be healthy and cancer-free.

He provided me with an audio file to listen to between healing sessions. I use it frequently and it always makes me feel relaxed and gives me physical and mental comfort.

Through his healing and the power of prayer, Dr. Fine has provided me with hope and strength to battle and defeat cancer forever! Despite the fact that the healing is done over the phone, I can feel the physical changes in my body during the healing sessions--it is truly miraculous. I am so thankful to Dr. Fine for his healing.

J.L., Storyteller
Southern California

Saved from Huntington's Disease

From my first breath of life, I have lived with the horrible effects of Huntington's Disease, because my father has it. This disease is so awful, its nickname is "The Devill's Disease". It's caused my father to have terrible dementia, and all the devastating effects that accompany it.

All these years I've lived with fear, being haunted by the possibility that I could come down with Huntington's Disease, not knowing if I was next in line in my family. My great-grandmother had it, as did her son (my grandfather) and his 6 brothers. They all experienced early and painful deaths. I both hate and fear this disease!

Suddenly one day my worst fears came true--I began experiencing the first symptoms of Huntington's Disease!

I'm so fortunate to have found Dr. Fine right when my first signs of HD were starting. He has healed me with his gentle care and guidance, working thru many stages of resistance to what is, and helping to restore my body back to health. I could feel the energy of his healing thru all centers of my being, and it became evident first in my body, then my life, and finally my soul. This gave me the tangible proof that he is a truly gifted healer, unlike any I've known. The word to describe him is PHENOMENAL! I have experienced many healers, but none as incredible and gifted as Dr. Fine.

How do you say "thank you" to someone who has saved you from a life of dementia and all the other debilitating effects of Huntington's Disease? Dr. Fine, please know from my heart to yours, I send you my deepest respect and regard.

Brenda Serhal, Homemaker

**Huntington's Disease -- Huntington's disease (HD) results from genetically programmed degeneration of brain cells, called neurons, in certain areas of the brain. This degeneration causes uncontrolled movements, loss of intellectual faculties, and emotional disturbance. HD is a familial disease, passed from parent to child through a mutation in the normal gene. Each child of an HD parent has a 50-50 chance of inheriting the HD gene.

Huntington's Disease Gone

My father suffered for many years from Huntington's Disease. It was devastating for my family and myself to watch the disease as it progressed. Eventually it got so bad that it was decided that he would undergo a Kevorkian-style end of life procedure. I can't express how difficult his passing was for me.

Huntington's is a genetic disease that is often passed down from parent to child. I was always fearful that I might develop symptoms of this terrible disease. I ended up taking a genetic test, and it came out positive for the Huntington's gene. I did as much research as I could, and a friend told me about Dr. Fine and his healing work. I was skeptical, but I made an appointment and now I'm so glad I did.

Dr. Fine helped me to work through to the real source of the disease. After a number of sessions, I was able to release the disease, and I'm now free of Huntington's Disease, with no symptoms for over two years. I also had Dr. Fine work with my daughter, and she is now safe from developing Huntington's Disease as well. I am so grateful to Dr. Fine--he has literally saved my life and my daughter's and I will forever be grateful to him.

M., Fashion Model
New York

Relief from HIV/AIDS and Shingles

When I first met Dr. Fine for a treatmemt, I thought that it would be a lot of hocus - pocus and hog wash. I was mistaken.

Before starting my first treatment, Dr. Fine spoke with me and then without touching me, he waved his hand over the right side of my torso and asked "you have something bothering you here"?

Dr. Fine had no way of knowing that I was then in the throws of my 4th day in what my M.D. had advised me would be a 3 to 4 week itch - fest (shingles).

So I lay down on my back on a table in anticipation of disappointment, feeling skeptical. For about an hour, Dr. Fine put his hands on my head and shoulders while I meditated. I began to perceive what seemed to be undularing pulsations of waves, heat and electricity, but I wasn't hooked up to any electric or mechanical device, just Dr. Fine.

I then fell soundly asleep. That day I failed to take the 1200mg of acyclovir that my M.D. had prescribed, as I was no longer itching from the shingles. The next morning the shingles had diminished by about 40% and 4 days later the shingles were gone!

After several bi-weekly healings by Dr. Fine, my energy levels have substantially increased.

I also had a stubborn fungal infection that had become drug (diflucan) resistant. This began to shrink significantly.

I have had HIV/AIDS since before 1985. I was used to being tired when I would awake at 7:00 A.M. Today I awake about 5:00 A.M. and meditate for a half hour and then walk for another half hour.

My physical, emotional and spiritual well-being has been greatly enhanced, and resentment and anxiety no longer haunt me.

I also benefit from a profound mental clarity and peace of mind that only a constant increase in good health can bring.

C.D., Lawyer
Los Angeles

Healing From Cancer

Relief from GIST (Gastrointestinal Stomal Tumors)

I began fighting this horrible disease in 2013. By late 2017, the chemo and clinical trials were no longer working. The tumors kept growing and the excruciating pain caused me to go to the hospital 5 times in 6 months. The bleeding tumors became life-threatening, and difficult for my doctors to manage.

In 2018 I was introduced to Dr. Fine, and thankfully he took me on as his patient. I didn't really know what to expect, but my family insisted I do whatever it would take to heal, and I'm so glad that I did.

Within a short period after starting with Dr. Fine, I began to feel better, and was spending less time in bed and more time doing regular things, gaining my life back.

I've had CT scans pretty frequently, and (thanks to Dr. Fine's healings) for the first time in over a year, the scan showed that the tumors had dramatically shrunk! So much so that my doctor said it was like a miracle -- "This never happens!", and he brought my case to the hospital Board for discussion.

I believe in God and in the power of prayer, and I also believe God works through Dr. Fine to help people. I could never fully express my gratitufe to Dr. Fine. He is a true healer and the miracle I had been praying for.

K.K., Human Resources Professional
Huntington Beach, CA

**GIST or Gastrointestinal Stomal Tumors is a rare type of sarcoma (cancer) found in the digestive system, most often in the wall of the stomach. This is a very serious condition.

Healing from Tuberculosis

I originally started seeing Dr. Fine for rheumatoid arthritis (RA). A few months prior to my contacting him, I had had a blood test for TB. The test came back positive!

I mentioned to Dr. Fine that I was applying for work and would need to pass a TB test in order to secure the position I was hoping to get. Dr. Fine immediately started working with me to help clear the TB. We continued with frequent regularly scheduled sessions, until the time came where I had to take the next TB test.

Eventually I could not put off the test any longer as I had been hired and was required to provide my test results within the week. I went in on a Wednesday to get the skin test administered. When I got the test results on Friday, there had been no reaction at the test site whatsoever. No redness or swelling, which determines whether or not TB is present. I got a clear pass and was SO RELIEVED!

Joyce C., Disability Counselor
San Francisco, CA

Relief From Chronic Herpes, Insomnia, and Sinus Infections

I suffered from severe genital herpes outbreaks, severe anxiety that resulted in insomnia, and from recurring sinus infections. These problems have all plagued me on a constant basis for over seven years.

Since my weekly (remote) healing sessions with Dr. Fine, I have had no outbreaks, I no longer have sinus infections, and my anxiety is now much better controlled. For the first time, I'm able to sleep 6 to 8 hours through the night, and there's been a huge improvement in me and my mental attitude and outlook on life. In about 6 weeks, Dr. Fine has vastly transformed my life! A hundred thousand thank-yous for helping me and saving me.

Barrie, Ontario Canada

Chronic Eye Pain Gone

I had an eye surgery that left me suffering from severe dry eyes and caused me chronic pain for months. I was unable to drive far distances, couldn't read, watch TV or use a computer at all. I was struggling with anxiety and depression that was caused by my inability to do all the things I loved.

One day after praying hard that God would guide me out of the mess I was in, I came across Dr. Fine's website, which was amazing because I wasn't ever on the computer due to my eye pain.

After my first healing the chronic eye pain was gone. I had been in pain for three months and was terrified that I would have to live my life in pain and the pain just vanished.

Along with my eyes continuing to heal, my anxiety and depression lifted. I no longer cried or had the strong feelings of regret. I had peace and calm. For 12 years I have been on 90 mg of thyroid medicine and still struggled with feeling tired, I have reduced my meds to 30mg and feel great.

Dr. Fine has changed my life in so many ways. My faith is stronger, my family relationships are better, I am calmer and more centered than I have ever been and I don't feel the need to control everything around me.

I thank God for Dr. Fine and for leading me to him. Dr. Fine is a huge blessing.

J. F., Educator/Author
San Diego

Detecting Herpes and Other STDs

I've been a patient of Dr. Fine for a number of years now and he's really helped me get my personal life in order after a very difficult period following a move and a job change. I've even started dating again, online. What's really great is that Dr. Fine can point out for me which potential dates have an STD. It's so much easier when you know in the early stages of contact before even talking on the phone--it's saved me so much time, and potential difficult decisions and heartache.

S. Taylor, Accountant
Southern California

Prostate Cancer Healed

I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in April, 2008. This came as a surprise to me! I was not devastated by the bad news, however, as I knew that this was simply another obstacle that had fallen across my path and was an opportunity to learn something about myself and my place in the universe.. In May, 2008, I was looking at the website of The Bodhi Tree Bookstore in Los Angeles and discovered that Dr. Fine, a natural healer, was giving a talk on a Tuesday evening. I went to the meeting. Dr. Fine’s talk that evening was amazing. After the talk, Dr. Fine proceeded to do a group healing and then individual healings. When I approached him, he passed his hands in front of my body in the area of my abdomen and whispered, “Intestinal problems?” I shook my head yes and whispered, “Prostate cancer.”

After that first meeting, I felt wonderful for two whole weeks. I knew that I could trust Dr. Fine with my life. It was not until July, 2008, however, that I began seeing Dr. Fine weekly, and I and continue to see him to this day.

In June, 2010, I had another prostate biopsy. The email from the urologist stated succinctly: “Biopsy shows no cancer.” Needless to say, I was elated. Without my seeing Dr. Fine weekly and listening to his CD’s daily, I don’t believe I would have had such a miraculous recovery. My primary physician had told me, “You know you’re always going to have prostate cancer.” I replied, “I don’t believe that. I believe in miracles.” And I do. And one of those miracles is Dr. Fine. Thank you so much, Dr. Fine, for restoring my health and making me whole again.

David W., M.A., Educator
Southern California

Breast Lump Healed

About 5 years ago I was feeling as if I was going to die. Literally, I felt like I was dying and I didn’t know why. I knew deep down that I needed help and not just anyone was going to be good enough. I contacted Dr. Fine two times before I even started healings with him because I wanted to make sure that I was dealing with a legitimate healer. Having personally met Jesus 15 years prior, I wanted to use a healer that had His knowledge and touch.

It was the right decision and I have had more than one illness healed by Dr. Fine. He has strengthened me physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. This I’m sure he will tell you was a lot of work because I was not that nice to deal with in the beginning!!

After healing sessions with Dr. Fine for over a year, I finally could walk up a hill without feeling so fatigued and drained of energy. I now can do regular activities again without the exhaustion. I don’t need 3 hour naps just to get through my day. I feel so much better now.

During this time, a breast lump formed in my right breast. It was so painful I could barely stand it. Dr. Fine has completely removed it with his healing energy. I no longer have the lump or the pain and the x-rays are all back to normal.

During my healings, I have experienced the smell of perfumes and even saw a waterfall of light coming down on me.

Through all of this, I have become stronger in my beliefs and more knowledgeable then any class could have ever taught me. I still work with Dr. Fine weekly to keep myself “rising in vibration”. If healing yourself through the loving energy of Jesus is what you are looking for, then Dr. Fine would do a great job!

M. Bryant, RN
Pekin, Illinois

Spine Injury Healed

When I first went to see Dr. Fine, my spine was hurting, I could barely walk, and I couldn’t carry on with my daily routines because I was constantly in excruciating pain.

Because my mind was working overtime worrying about my family, I wasn’t able to get the rest that I needed, but thanks to your healing through the divine, I am now a new person. The injury to my spine has healed. I now have great peace of mind, I worry less than I used to do, and I am experiencing a new spiritual renewal that is greatly improving my quality of life.

I also want to let you know that I appreciate your immense patience with me, encouraging me to go on when I was ready to give up, and telling me to have faith in the divine healing.

Again, thank you so much Dr. Fine for your wonderful healing, and for showing me that through that divine healing there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Regards, Mitzie
Southern California

Sick Cat Recovered

My cat Sasha is 15 years old. She was throwing up a lot, and we took her to the vet. She was diagnosed with pancreatitis, and she had indications of irritable bowel disorder and/or intestinal cancer. My husband and I agreed we would not put her through chemotherapy, but I was desperate to find someone who could heal her.

When Dr. Fine started working with her, he said she was very sick, but he would try to keep her with us for three months. My husband and I did not have much hope, and I was so afraid of losing my baby.

I am so happy to say that after four months of Dr. Fine's working with her, her health has greatly improved. Her weight is up, she is more energetic, and she is back to her old self! We feel that we have our Sasha back. I cannot even express our gratitude for what Dr. Fine has done for us. Thank you so very much.

Angela, Jeff, and Sasha Sizemore

Relief from Eczema

Born with allergies and sensitive skin, I've agonized with inflamed, scratchy skin my entire life. As a baby, my cheeks and legs were often raw. My attentive parents tried everything from allergy shots to ointments, creams, and steriods. As an adult, my excruciatingly inflamed skin itched so deeply I could have scratched it off and still not gotten relief. Allergists, dermatologists, and everything in between only provided stop gap measures, if any relief at all. I could write a book full of advice from folklore to traditional medicine that has not worked for me. Nevertheless I always held out hope my skin would improve.

Through word of mouth I learned of Dr. Fine. What a blessing! I am so grateful he has worked with me applying his healing powers to my eczema. My skin has come a long way as it is now calm and not inflamed. What a relief! In addition to being a conduit for healing, Dr. Fine has given me tools that allow me to facilitate much needed relief and healing myself.Thank you, Dr. Fine!

Jane Doe
Attorney at Law

Fast Healing For My Dog

My dog Arji, had gotten stung by an insect, resulting in a swollen right eye that looked like it was going to burst out of his head. He was so nervous, panting and shaking, as his eye had become so large that his eyelid could not shut at all. I was especially worried because Arji had just started heartworm treatment, and needed to keep his heart rate down to avoid the risk of getting a blood clot.

I sent Dr. Fine an email from the vet's office, while my sweet pup kept pacing around, panting and flinching at every sound. A few moments later, my once nervous dog began to sit still beside me. I even even began to feel more peaceful myself! I then checked my email and saw that Dr. Fine had replied right around the time that my sweet boy began to calm down, after 45 minutes of constant anxiety. This was such a relief to me. I knew that Dr. Fine had helped my terrified and pain-stricken dog. I saw the vet about 30 minutes later, and she prescribed a homeopathic remedy.

By the end of the evening, my dog's eye was almost 100% better. The next morning it was back to normal. I'm confident that Dr. Fine's healing helped my pup to calm down and reduce his pain and provided overall healing. I think he even helped me to calm down too. I can't describe how grateful I am to Dr. Fine, as the situation could have ended up very differently. Dr. Fine has such a compassionate and loving energy that is palpably felt along with his genuinely caring intentions.

CEC, Attorney at Law
New Orleans

Depression and Anxiety Gone for Good

I was very emotionally depressed for 2 yrs and had hormonal imbalances. I cried a lot and would not go out. I stopped living my life after 63 yrs of age. I went to several medical doctors, holistic and hormonal specialists. No one really helped me, just gave me unnecessary medication and too much estrogen hormone which made me worse.

I was at my wits end and prayed for God to send me a true healer to help me. I was giving up hope. My family did not know what else to do. I was on the Internet and God lead me to find Dr. Fine, and I decided to call him for help. I did not know what to expect. We spoke over the phone, since I live in NJ and he lives in California.

It was after 2-3 weeks of his phone healings that I started to cry less and less and starting to want to do more and feel alive inside. He healed my subconscious mind and freed me from compulsive disorder which caused me much anxiety. I thank God for sending Dr. Fine into my life as a Divine and Gifted healer, in more ways than one. I believe that God has bestowed his grace and healing power to work miracles through Dr. Fine to heal the sick.

While talking with him he was actually healing me, which astounds me. My heart will always be grateful to God and Dr. Fine, who I believe is a true vessel used as the Lord's testimony of healing the sick. Believe & Receive. Dr. Fine made me laugh and live my life again and thru the Divine grace made me whole in mind, body & Spirit. My heart is so glad and grateful that I met him. I will never forget what he has done for me and appreciate how he changed my life for the better! God Bless Dr. Fine.

Love & Light
Ann Marie F
New Jersey

Herpes Cured
In early 2006, I started having intense burning in my vaginal area.  Initially I thought it was a urinary tract infection, but this was not so.  Throughout the year, I saw many practitioners (gynecologists, nurse practitioners, a naturopath, acupuncturists) but no one could determine the cause of this burning.  There were no visible sores, no discharge of any sort, just constant pain.
Months later at another trip to the womens' clinic, a nurse practitioner discovered a small sore inside my vagina during the exam.  She tested me for the herpes virus, and I tested positive for genital herpes.
I was prescribed Valtrex which did not take away the burning and it caused a couple of yeast infections!!  I was also prescribed a topical ointment, Zovirax (ingredient name: Acyclovir) which provided some relief, but the burning would always return.  I was determined to get rid of this virus completely.  All of the literature on genital herpes said that it could NOT be cured, just managed, because it is a virus.  This answer was not acceptable to me, and I was determined to be cured.
My husband was a pot smoker whose casual smoking turned into a full blown addiction.  His libido plummeted and my anger over his being high all the time led me outside the marriage for sex.  I had many extra-marital affairs, and this I'm sure was the source of the herpes.  The diagnosis was my wake-up call from God to stop this behavior.
I knew that when the "traditional" methods failed to get rid of this virus, I needed a spiritual healer.  I found Dr. Fine when I did a website search of the Bodhi Tree bookstore in Los Angeles (he lectures there).   I contacted him, and we began working together the next week.
I was committed to the healing process and was willing to continue healings with him for as long as it took.  We worked every week, in person and on the phone for a full year.  At the start of the second year, we had fewer sessions, but still worked together for the full year.  Dr. Fine explained to me that all disease starts in the mind and that my mind needed to be healed of these addictions to extra-marital affairs.
My annual checkup with my gynecologist last month SHOWED NO TRACE OF THE HERPES VIRUS.  I had him test for the full panel of STD's and all were negative.  This is a true story of healing.  I am back in my marriage fully, my husband is no longer addicted to pot and I am truly grateful.  Dr. Fine, as an agent of God, can work miracles!  I  thank God everyday for Dr. Fine's presence in my life and for returning me to good health.

San Diego, California

Relief and hopefully a cure from Parkinson's

Five years ago I noticed that when I was under pressure at work or felt really stressed out, my right arm started to shake. The shaking was not too bad at first, and was more embarrassing than anything else.  I mentioned it to my medical doctor and he thought we should monitor it.  When the shaking got a little worse, I went to a specialist--who diagnosed me with Parkinson's disease.  Currently there is no cure for Parkinson's, and I was put on a long-term course of various prescription pills.

In spite of the fact that I was getting treated by my chiropractor for stiffness in my body, I was still experiencing stiffness and also weakness in my muscles, and was becoming depressed and had no energy. It was on one of these chiropractic visits that I read about Dr, Irwin Fine who was a "Healer". At this time I was looking for relief  because I wanted to work again and could not even consider it with my muscles stiffening up and my mobility not improving.  The fact is that I did not see any improvement from the prescription medications I had been taking for almost four years. 

My first visit with Dr Fine was enlightening and I left his office feeling "strange" but in a positive way.  As I was leaving, he gave me instructions and told me he would work with me by phone in two days.  When we worked on the phone, I felt energy moving down my body, and I saw different colored lights flashing before me.  Again I felt better!  Since then I have had a total of five treatments and my general attitude and the movement in the joints and throughout my body are significantly improved, and they have improved with every visit. I highly recommend having healing sessions with Dr. Fine.

Brian D.
Culver City, California

Myasthenia Gravis Reversed for My Dog

My 14-year old dog recently had a recurrence of Myasthenia Gravis, a significant disease that had been dormant and in remission for 7-years. I immediately put her back on the original medication regime that she used 7 years earlier when she was able to fight the disease into remission. Her negative symptoms continued to elevate however, and her quality of life was SEVERELY impacted, to the point that I was very close to putting her down. To address my dog’s negative symptoms, Dr. Fine started to do twice-a-week hands-on and remote healing sessions specifically designed to address her MG symptoms and quality of life.

Two months later, she is basically asymptomatic and experiencing a fine quality of life. Along with us providing my dog with the proper allopathic medication required to combat this disease, my own opinion/experience is that Dr. Fine’s healing work was a MAJOR component of healing my dog to the point that she was/is symptom-free once again and living out her Golden Years with a wonderful quality of life. I am indebted and grateful to Dr. Fine for his work with her.

Roger House, E-Commerce Sales Executive
Costa Mesa, California

Chronic Sinus Pain -- Going, Going, Gone!

I have had sinus pains for the past 13 years (since 1994). In 1996 I had an operation on my nose but the pain was still there. I tried to find relief in so many different ways, from Western medicine, homeopathy, acupuncture, Bio-Resonance etc…I have been with great pain all these years . Then I met Dr. Fine and he started healing me. Sometimes I fell into a trance during the healing. He gave me also many suggestions and some valuable advice: to realize the balance of life is important, and you need to see all with a broad sight.

I have had this chronicle pain for 13 years and now the pain is going away….Hooray! Thank you, Dr. Fine.

Urs Schmid, Refrigeration Engineer
Lucerne, Switzerland

Top of page

Genital Herpes Healed

In early 2006, I developed some extreme vaginal burning that would not stop.  After numerous trips to gynecologists, acupuncturists and other healers, it still persisted.  Finally, a nurse practitioner suggested we do blood tests for the herpes viruses.  The test came back positive for genital herpes.

I was prescribed Valtrex which did not work for me, and other topical prescription ointments that provided minor relief.  During this whole ordeal, I never had any outbreaks anywhere on my body.  I suspect this is one reason why no one thought to test for herpes.  However, the intense vaginal burning continued throughout.

I remember saying to myself that I needed healing from someone who channels healing energy.  I went to the Bodhi Tree website to look, and Dr. Fine's information popped up (he often lectures at the Bodhi Tree). I read his information and knew God had answered my prayers.   We have been working together now both in person and on the phone.

The vaginal burning stopped completely about a week after we began our work. I had gotten the herpes from my lover, but neither of us had shown any symptoms during our sexual life together.  The herpes showed up in me five years later, and not surprisingly, I then passed it back to him.

I am now on the healing path.  The virus is almost completely out of my body and I am so grateful for my return to good health.

The healing has put me at peace.   Thank you with all my heart, Dr. Fine.

B.P., Paralegal
San Diego, California

Vision Restored

Earlier this year, I had open heart surgery to replace my aortic valve. My health had been in decline for a number of years prior to this operation, and I had lost the ability to read with my right eye. The operation temporarily improved the vision in that right eye, but only for a short time. I found myself unable to read with my right eye, which was bothersome as I was used to reading several books a week.

Dr. Fine and I live many miles apart, but I was familiar with distance healing and not at all surprised that this was the method he chose to employ with me. On the first telephone session, he asked me to lay down and relax quietly in a darkened room while he did his work. Within a minute or so, I had entered into a deeply relaxed, perhaps even a trance-like state. I was astonished to fmd fifteen minutes had elapsed when I next heard his voice on the speaker phone. I remained quiet for another fifteen minutes after we both hung up.

Now I know that he worked on my heart and my brain, but what has impressed me mightily has been the return of clarity in my right eye vision. Once again I read with both eyes open. What a wonder! Every day I feel stronger. I am told that at 84 years of age I can reasonably expect a full year for the healing of my heart's condition. As my strength has returned physically and clarity of mind as well, I feel that Dr. Fine has accelerated the process. And so I offer my gratitude and praise to Dr. Fine for the work that he does. My kindest regards go to him.

Bill Stratton, Healer
Encinitas, CA

Healings for My Cats

I have three formerly feral cats, a mother and two grown up kittens (male and female). Dr. Fine has healed them for a variety of ailments from mild to severe. The mother cat had severe stomach pain after eating some type of small lizard from the backyard which he healed.

The male cat, now about nine years old, began having some prostate problems (he was neutered before one year of age, but this type of problem can still occur). I was puzzled when he wasn't always using the litter box as I'd never had this issue with any of the cats before. I called Dr. Fine, he pinpointed the problem immediately and did his healing work on him. His ability to see the problem is amazing. I was truly grateful when this problem was solved, no more soiled carpets!

My cats get their check-ups yearly at the veterinarian's office and Dr. Fine will always work in conjunction with medical personnel (animal and human). He co-partners with other practitoners to do their best for the patient. I'm so thankful to have found him and am continually amazed at the range of his healing powers. He is truly a blessing.

Lynn Kell, Writer
Palm Desert, CA

A Miraculous Healing from Painful Arthritis

I've been miserable for years. 9 years of psoriasis, 2 years of psoriatic arthritis, and 14 years of fibromyalgia. My doctors claim they have never before seen such wide spread growth in such extensive areas of someone’s body, from my neck down to my toes.  I have pain 24/7/365.  Sometimes tolerable with heavy opiates, sometimes weeks of pain so bad I am not able to do anything but sit in my Lazy Boy, doing NOTHING ELSE.

A friend said stop going to regular doctors, go see Dr. Fine.  I resisted, and then about 3-4 weeks ago I drove to see him twice.  But, our 3rd appointment was over the phone.  I'm thinking, yeah right, how can this work?!   Dr. Fine’s healing worked very well in person, and there was a noticeable lessening of pain in my body.  But how could it work over the phone? As Dr Fine started, he asked me to close my eyes, and open my heart and mind.  I went from my comfy desk chair to the floor (it's been years since I could do that).  I used something as a pillow, and started to relax from head to toe

As I held the phone, Dr. Fine started to channel a healing, which suddenly appeared in my mind while my eyes were closed.  I saw myself lying in a grassy meadow and a male figure came toward me.  I'm thinking I've seen him somewhere else before.  This man says to me "I am Jesus of Nazareth."  He said “Let me help you for I know you are so ill”.  He picked me up (like you would a baby) and sat down, and slowly rocked me to comfort me.  He then put both of his hands on my head.  He called out....”help me, help me to heal this woman, and let her live a long and healthy life”.  Suddenly everything around me was immersed in a bright white light, completely surrounding Jesus and me.  He moved his hands to precisely where I hurt the most and to areas that I could no longer move from lack of use.  He said to be patient, that this will not be healed overnight.  “Keep seeing your healer, and we will work together to reduce your pain”.  He told me to take care of my body, for it is my temple.  “You are going to become a leader in many ways, but as you are [now] you cannot.  You will not boast, but people will see the changes in you, and you will know how to show them through example”.  He said “you are to return now” and that time will reveal all..

As Dr. Fine completed his channeling, the vision went away, and the healing session was finished.  Right after this I exercised for the first time in years, with my joints hurting, but to a much lesser degree.  It took so much out of me that I slept for over 24 hours straight.  I woke up at 4 am the next morning and all I can say is, my direction is clear, my forgiveness of people who have wronged me has begun, and my creative imagination is in full gear. 

It’s now a week since the phone healing and my pain has been significantly reduced. My body is recovering and I feel nothing but peace. Thank you Dr. Fine for this miraculous healing!

Dawn Mac Dougall, Cosmetics Sales Director

Relief from Chronic Dry Eyes

Dear Dr. Fine,
It is hard to express in words my deep appreciation and gratitude to you for giving me back my sight. For many years I have suffered with chronic dry eyes, a condition that had worsened over time to the point that I could not read restaurant menus—even with glasses. My ophthalmologist warned me that I risked permanent damage to my corneas if we couldn’t find a solution. I had come to accept the blurred vision and chronic pain that came with this condition, though I continued to search for solutions. After trying all treatment available through modern Western medicine—to no avail, I began searching for relief from other healing traditions.

Though initially somewhat skeptical, I was amazed to find that my vision had improved dramatically and the pain subsided after my first healing session with you. My vision has continued to improve since that first visit, and I have been symptom free and without pain since that time. You have given me back a quality of life that I believe would not have been possible without you. Thank you.


Deborah Coffin, Flight Attendant
Chino Hills, CA

Relief from Rheumatoid Arthritis

I have had severe rheumatoid arthritis, with serious deformities of hands and feet, for more than 40 years. I have been working with Dr. Fine for approximately six months. My pain has been appreciably lessened by his healings, and my mobility has been much improved. Friends (who have no idea that I am having healing treatments) have commented that I am using my hands much more, and less awkwardly, than I have done in the recent past. I believe that you have an extraordinary healing talent. Thank you, Doctor Fine. Sincerely yours,

Libbe Hale, Ph.D

Menstrual Emergency No More

I've always had regular menstrual periods, but one day I started bleeding profusely, and it was out of control! Over a 2-hour period, I went through a dozen extra heavy sanitary pads, and this kept happening on and off for 2 weeks straight.  It was making me very weak and very upset, so I went to an MD.  This doctor had no idea how to help me, and simply took a blood test--which showed I was anemic.  With all the blood I lost, that wasn't surprising at all.  I was told to take calcium for the anemia, but went home feeling frustrated because this doctor had not helped me stop the bleeding. 

I was so tired and weak, I could hardly function, and the bleeding continued.  Luckily Dr. Fine came to my aid! 
After 3 sessions with him, the bleeding returned to the normal amount, and after the 4th session, I was completely healed and had my energy restored.   Thank God Dr. Fine was there for me when I needed his assistance!

Gisela Cruz,  Housewife and Mom

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Emergency Healing for Eye

I had a freak accident happen to me during construction in my house – as out of nowhere I fell to my knees from a piece of tile flying into the den and hitting me in the head. The impact was severe, and the wound/trauma was less than an inch away from piercing my right eye. Blood was everywhere and I was immediately rushed to the hospital.

While waiting to see the MD at the hospital I called Dr. Fine and he immediately went to work on remotely diagnosing and healing this accident/impact. After running various tests, the MD who saw me said that my cornea/retina did not appear to be internally damaged from this accident - a diagnosis that Dr. Fine made via his remote healing before I saw the MD. The external swelling and damage was pretty severe from the trauma of the impact, and I was dizzy and had headaches when I got home. Dr. Fine worked on me remotely that evening and my discomfort/headaches dissipated enough for me to finally get some relief and get to sleep. Dr. Fine continued to work on my injury over the next months, and I felt better and improved over time.

It’s my opinion that the immediate remote healing work that Dr. Fine provided me with was instrumental in “catching things early” to help dissipate the immediate trauma/symptoms and stimulate the body’s healing process moving forward. I am extremely grateful to Dr. Fine for his healing work on my head and eye, (not to mention him going the extra mile of being there for me after normal business hours to help with my situation without any hesitation on his part). Dr. Fine is a caring empathic healer who embodies the attributes of living by the tenants of the Hippocratic Oath.

Roger House, E-Commerce Sales Executive
Costa Mesa, California

Relief From High Blood Pressure and More

It was 17 years ago and I was at the top of my game. I was a good mother, a successful professional, and I was thin, beautiful, and happy. Then I began to have headaches. I kept going, until one day when I fell over at work, suddenly having a mild stroke. At the time I was only 42. I saw seven of the best doctors at Cedars-Sinai Hospital, and it was then that they told me I had an extreme case of high blood pressure (hypertension). Over the course of one year I tried 13 different drugs, but I turned out to be allergic to all of them, and in the meantime they wreaked havoc on my once beautiful body. The final conclusion was that there were no meds left that the doctors could give me, and if I made it to my next birthday (in 3 months), it would be a miracle. I was toxic beyond belief and had developed a huge number of additional health problems, and I was in constant pain.

I went home to die. All those drugs I was allergic to had damaged my internal organs (kidneys, lungs, liver) and my immune system. In my misery, I turned to TBM (Total Body Modification) but that didn't work either. During this period I found myself at death's door two more times, I had a heart attack, and severe diabetes set in. I didn't know what to do next.

Thank God that a friend told me about Dr. Fine. Celestial intervention at last! By the time he saw me, I had also developed back problems, muscle deterioration, and nerve damage, making it impossible for me to walk. Through his healings, he has done the impossible, healing my broken body. My immeasurable pain that was always present is now gone for days at a time, and replaced with extreme bliss. Dr. Fine has given me the most precious gift of healing and peace. Before I met Dr. Fine, my blood pressure ranged from 170/120 to a dangerous 220/180. Since getting his healings, it has been reduced to a healthy 130/84. My body has begun its journey back to looking beautiful and getting healthy again. Dr. Fine has placed me upon my pathway to healing.

Karen, Artist

Nervous Breakdown Averted

I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown in August of 2009. I had a painful left breast and stomach area.   I happened to go to Video on Demand Oasis, and saw a feature named Fine Healing.  That led me to Dr. Fine's website and I called him.

I have been working with Dr Fine for almost 9 months.  All of the sessions were done remotely over the phone once a week, and furthermore, Dr. Fine gives you tools so that you are completely healed forever, based on your needs.  Dr. Fine's straight to the point approach to healing is very effective.  My breast and stomach area are completely healed!  I feel that I have another chance at life again.  In my opinion, Dr. Fine is one of God's angels sent here to help everyone.

Nerica Kentish , Communications Specialist
Santa Clarita, CA

No Hysterectomy Needed

I had gone to the gynecologist, who told me that after having done scans of my fallopian tubes, that I needed to have a hysterectomy. I had a 2 cm mass on my right fallopian tube and a cyst on my left fallopian tube. I had heard that Dr. Fine had done amazing things for people who needed help. Although I must say that I was very sceptical, I certainly didn't want to have a hysterectomy!

When I called Dr. Fine, he said he would send me a powerful but gentle healing, so I wasn't scared. Then I placed my hand on my stomach and lay down with my eyes closed, and felt a wave of relaxation....

Well, I had told my doctor that I wanted to wait and just keep an eye on the problem area every few months, and she said we could do that. The next time I went to have a scan, they said it had reduced to 1.8 cm. As Dr. Fine continued his distance healing over the phone, it continued to reduce in size. The mass reduced to 1.5 cm, then 1.0 cm, 0.9 cm, then it was gone! And the cyst disappeared too. The doctor was so surprised, as she said she really didn't think it would reduce.

I am so happy and so thankful that I decided to call Dr. Fine.

Roxie Silverstein , Insurance Sales

Baby Weight Gain Back To Normal

I first contacted Dr.Fine a couple of months ago because I was worried about my baby who had slow weight gain. Sara is 18 months old, and was born two and a half months premature, weighing just two and a half lbs at birth. For the first nine months she was small, but gaining weight steadily, then slowing down at ten months. Her weight hovered around twelve lbs for many months, and our doctor seemed concerned. I tried increasing her calorie intake, but it didn't seem to make much difference. Except for her low weight, she was healthy, happy and developing normally.

I tried not to worry about it, but as time went on and she was not growing, I felt I needed to get some help beyond conventional medicine, since that didn't seem to be working. I am a massage therapist with a strong interest in energy medicine, so I decided to research healers who work energetically. I came across Dr. Fine's web site and immediately it resonated with me. I called him and right away felt comfortable for him to work with Sara. I liked his down-to-earth manner, his humor and wisdom. Dr. Fine said that Sara's condition was caused by her metabolism working too fast.

After two months of weekly sessions (which were done through distance healing), Sara is now gaining weight normally. We went to the doctor last week and she weighs 16 lbs 1 oz, gaining approximately two lbs in the last three months. Apparently this is normal weight gain for her age. Other benefits are that Sara's personality has improved, she's eating better, and she is a joy to have around. I feel relieved and very pleased with the results.


Postscript: Baby Improving All Around

It has now been 5 months of weekly phone sessions with Dr. Fine, and I'm happy to say that Sara is doing much better. She had just started talking around the time that Dr. Fine first began working with her. We recently had a neonatal follow-up appointment to check on her development, and the nurse was very impressed with her vocabulary. She told us that preemies who were born at 29 weeks like Sara usually only had about 4 words at her age. Since then we've been counting to see how many words she has, and she is at 130!

I've even noticed that I've gotten more clarity and peace of mind, as well as having my skin clear up from what was previously constant breakouts for most of my adult life. We are grateful for all the help that comes through, Dr. Fine!

Rachel Johnson, Massage Therapist

A Miracle Pregnancy**

When everything fails, when what you always believed in and thought was the only truth dissolves, and when you sink so deep that you think that you want to quit this life and just walk out, there is one good thing that comes out of this process. You open your ears and heart to things that you had never (ever) considered listening to.

When my husband and I decided it was time to start our family, I got pregnant but miscarried during the first trimester. Later on we tried fertility clinics, tests, fertility drugs. They had absolutely no effect on my body. But I did get pregnant a second time, naturally, and miscarried in the seventh week. No science, no doctors could save my baby. That was the point when my old trust and belief in the great world of science started to unravel and I just didn't know what to do and how to go on. And everybody felt very sorry for us, but nobody was able to answer my question: "Will I ever have a child?"

That's when I heard about Dr. Fine from my relative, who is also his patient. He had been successfully treated for various health issues, and recommended Dr. Fine very highly. Deep inside I knew that I wanted to have Dr. Fine help me, but I was too scared to call him at first, fearing that the answer would be "No, you will never have a child". In the meantime, my relative simply posed my question to Dr. Fine. Only after his positive answer was I brave enough to call him. And that was probably one of the best decisions of my life. Dr. Fine has taught me so much--how to think a little differently, how to believe a little differently, and how to love a little differently. But at the same time he never forced me to do anything that I was not ready for or did not feel comfortable with. He grounded me, he calmed me down and he gave me a new faith.

I'm 14 weeks pregnant now. I feel great and I feel truly blessed. Dr. Fine has been helping me so much to experience all that is happening to me, to us as a real miracle of Life instead of a mere balance and imbalance of hormones and chemicals. I am looking forward so much to the birth of our son! If you ever go through any pregnancy losses and the pain that accompanies them, and you truly dream about having a baby, please don't hesitate (like I did)--call Dr. Fine!


Postscript: A Miracle Baby Is Born

My pregnancy was a really healthy and happy one, without any aches and pains that most women experience, thanks to Dr. Fine. The birth wasn't quick and painless, but I got through it without invasive medication. Benjamin arrived on November 16th, as an amazingly healthy and strong little boy with beautiful eyes and a precious smile. He rarely cries and spends most of his waking hours gazing into our eyes and listening to us talking and singing to him. My mother lost her long-term partner to illness, just hours after Benjamin was born, and now Benjamin is the greatest comfort to her.

So, miracles do happen. We just have to open our eyes and realize them all around us. If you are having difficulties opening your eyes to them (just as I did), I can truly recommend Dr. Fine's helping and healing abilities.

Vera Ranalli, Teacher
Acton, MA / Eger, Hungary

**Please note that all of Dr. Fine's healing sessions with Vera Ranalli were conducted over the phone, using his remote healing abilities.  A miracle pregnancy indeed!

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The Bones Moved--Surgery Avoided

I was in a car accident on February 28th. I went to the emergency room right after it happened, and they told me I had a broken wrist. I could not sleep, I was in so much pain. The only appointment I could get with an orthopedic surgeon was on March 8th. Two days before that (on March 6th) I went to see Dr. Fine. He said my wrist will be OK and that I would not need surgery. He laid his hand on my cast and I felt the bones moving!!! It was an incredible experience.

On March 8th they took x-rays. My wrist was broken in several places and they explained that I would need surgery. I went back to Dr. Fine's on March 10th, and the pain finally went away. On March 22nd, I returned to the orthopedic surgeon, and he said my hand was healing well and that I would not need surgery after all. I now see Dr. Fine twice a week, and will continue until it heals completely. I am so relieved, because my business involves using my hands. And I'm grateful for the work with Dr. Fine.

Jessy Cruz , Business Owner

Multiple Conditions Reversed 1--2--3!!!!

I had brain surgery the end of September. 8 Months later I was still having issues with my energy levels. At the end of a week I had exhausted all of my week's energy and couldn't enjoy time with my husband and 2 young children. I started working with Dr. Fine and within the first week my energy was stronger. What was even more remarkable was the passing of a kidney stone in my sleep (who knows how long that was there). When the hospital did a cat scan to verify that it was indeed a kidney stone that was causing me much pain, they also saw a 6 cm cyst on my ovary. By the time I went for a follow-up ultrasound (one week later) it had already shrunk to about 2 cm. I knew when I went for my next follow-up it would be gone, and indeed it was!

Thanks to Dr. Fine I'm feeling more like myself again. All of that in about a month's time. All of this was done over the phone. Remarkable!!!

Sally , Administrative Director

A Bad Case of Herpes and Irritable Bowel Syndrome

For over ten years I suffered from Herpes outbreaks, with accompanying sciatic nerve pain that sometimes lasted for months after the lesion healed. It also manifested in other forms in other areas of my body, and I had no idea that it was the Herpes. I would get swollen gums, or a swollen lip, or a swollen eyebrow with rash. Sometimes it was bumps on my arms, face, or scalp, or at the back of my neck. I suffered from abdominal pain and extreme tiredness, depending on the amount of stress I was under. Mental stress also produced irritable bowel syndrome.

Over the years I tried everything. I wasn't going to live on Valtrex, so I only used it for painful outbreaks. I had only some minor relief with supplements. Then I met Brenda Serhal. (Thank you!!!) She told me that Dr. Irwin Fine had healed her of Huntington's Disease... I couldn't see him soon enough! Thankfully he saw me a few days after I called. I'd tried Medical doctors and many alternative healing methods with disappointing results, I was looking to be truly healed. Well, no coincidence--when you intend something, the universe will provide it! Working with Dr. Fine both in person and over the phone, the herpes outbreaks stopped in three weeks! No more pain. The irritable bowel lessened and then disappeared in about a month, as well as lingering pain from a root-canal. He told me I had TMJ. I had never mentioned it. That also left in a couple of visits. Joint pain in my finger--gone! I never mentioned it.

Dr. Fine is a gifted healer from his birth--he can literally "see" what is going on in your body. As he worked with me I felt extremely relaxed, and I felt the "life" flow through my body as warmth or tingles. The healings are progressive, and continue after the session. Dr. Fine does distance or remote work on you before or between visits, as he senses your needs. He prepares your body for the healing. Trust the process, it is intuitive to *you*. His healings work with body and mind, and you truly sense his desire for you to be healed. Dr. Fine is there for you when you need him! A great comfort and the finest doctor/healer I have ever received healing from--I am more than grateful to know Dr. Fine... I am honored.

Claire Day, Nutritionist

From An Unbearable Black Hole To A Beautiful Life

When I came to Dr. Fine, I was experiencing a nervous breakdown, although I had been extremely healthy all of my life. I had everything—a terrific career helping others, a healthy child, a husband who loved me, youth and beauty—and enough money to live well and enjoy my family. Then something very difficult--that most people live through more easily, came into my life. It was a mirror of something that had happened to me when I was very little. It triggered a kind of pain that for me, was worse than the death of a loss of a loved one—the pain I was experiencing was senseless, constant, completely unbearable, and absolutely knew no bounds. I lived with it for two years—I contemplated suicide every day, just to get rid of my pain. There was no end to my sobbing. The black hole I was in was so deep, that there was not a shred of light that I could see. I became a stranger to my family, because I just could not help myself or be helped. 18 months of therapy did not help, and antidepressants did not help. I got to a point where I stopped eating food. I just could not chew or swallow food. I had taken to drinking alcohol to quell my anxiety. I got into several car accidents—previously, I had never even had a parking ticket! I had lost twenty-five pounds, and I was rather thin to begin with. (At five-foot-seven, I weighed 99 pounds when I met Dr. Fine.) I had never had a problem with substance abuse in my life. I had been a healthy, happy, successful, together woman—and suddenly, everything that I knew about who I was or had ever been in my life had fallen completely apart.

In my first session with Dr. Fine, he did a hands-on healing. What happened during that healing was that it felt like a “balance” was put into my head—kind of like the “balance” that carpenters use to make a table stand at the right angle to the floor. It was a strange experience, but it helped a lot. For the first time in two years, I felt like I might want to stay on the planet!

Since I live rather far afield from Dr. Fine, he suggested we work over the phone. Although that seemed rather odd (but on that day I got used to “rather odd,” so I agreed.)

After he had established the “balance,” he continued to work with my mind, it seems. After continued sessions, my mind became open to the idea of loving myself. As we continued to work, my heart opened. I became familiar with myself as I had never done before.

Then, Dr. Fine created a link between my heart, and my mind. What this created was a swirl of understanding that I can only describe in the following words: “I did not know that it was possible to ever—ever, feel this good about myself and my life.” I know that this sounds incredible—it’s just words— but I just didn’t know what it felt like to be cherished so deeply, nor to feel the love of the universe so personally. I did not know how to receive love fully, in order to be the totally loving person that I am and that we all are.

Erica Echols Lowy, Author

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Mercury Crisis and Depression

For the last 4-5 years, I've suffered from pretty bad depression, anxiety, confusion, and memory problems. Somehow, thank God, I figured out that I had mercury poisoning.  A friend sent me an email suggesting that I get in touch with Dr. Fine (thank you !) so I did. Just like my friend, I was taking about two dozen supplements at the time, and he narrowed it down to about six.  After a few weeks of seeing him once a week, my symptoms subsided to a 'comfortable' level where I could function pretty well. He's also helped me out a lot with my mental/emotional state.

It's been two months now, and I feel better than I have in years.  I'm very excited; based on my progress thus far, I really feel that Dr. Fine will be able to get me into really good shape.

I would recommend that anyone in Southern California with a mercury problem -- or any health problem, for that matter -- should get in touch with Dr. Fine. If you're not in Southern California, you might want to give him a call anyway, he does work with people over the phone.

Darren Ranalli, Computer Programmer

Healing At The End of Life

Suffering from congestive heart failure, diabetes, and failing kidneys, my husband, Bill, had been in very poor health for two years. He was at death’s door for the last six months, continually defying the doctors’ expectations by hanging tenaciously onto life, even when his medications were stopped and he was given only comfort care for seven weeks in the nursing home.

His moribund state led me to find relief for him. When I learned of Dr. Fine through a cousin, it seemed to be more than a coincidence that he could see Bill the next day because of a cancelled appointment. After the first treatment, there was a noticeable improvement in Bill’s state of alertness. With subsequent treatments, his cognitive and conversational abilities improved and he became stronger and even more alert. When I asked him how he felt after the third treatment, he said he had “peace of mind.” He regained enough energy to get cranky and amazed his caretakers by eliminating more wastes than his small food intake indicated was possible, which was a sure sign that he was eliminating toxins.

Bill died gently in his sleep several days after his fourth session with Dr. Fine, and I believe that his peace of mind finally allowed him to release his hold on life. I also have peace of mind knowing that Bill was physically and psychologically more comfortable at his death because of Dr. Fine’s work with him. On his deathbed, his wrinkles disappeared and he looked very peaceful.

Rosemary Custard

No more cystic acne

After years of antibiotics, followed by the “last hope” of acne treatments, Accutane, I was still breaking out with painful cysts. Although I was only getting one or two outbreaks every few months, they would be visible for weeks. So, during one of my sessions with Dr. Fine, I happened to mention my long
history with acne. Dr. Fine, as if he were waving a magic wand said, “I can take care of that.”

That was over a year ago and I haven’t had one cyst
since that time! It continues to amaze me that one healing session could take away my cystic acne. I feel truly fortunate to have come across Dr. Fine - his wisdom and healing power are beyond compare.

Amy Cavanaugh, Research Assistant

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Nasty Cough Went Away in 3 Visits

Being a teacher, I’m careful about keeping healthy. However, anytime I’ve gotten a cold, the cough lingered for months. And the coughs weren’t ordinary coughs; they were deep, congested, nasty ones. (I’ve told people it’s not TB because I’ve been tested frequently) This has happened for years! Every time I’ve caught a cold, I’ve gone to regular medical doctors who gave me prescriptions for cough syrup with codeine and antihistamines, and have been told the cough would go away within a couple of weeks. After coughing for about a month or so, my doctors would prescribe antibiotics, since the cough would typically lead to bronchitis.

In July 2007, my sister suggested I contact Dr. Fine. I was willing to try anything, since for years, I’ve had “allergies” and frequent colds, etc. Not only did Dr. Fine pick up on my cough and chest congestion, but he also knew I ate A LOT of bread! He mentioned the gluten in breads was the problem, due to an allergy. I was amazed, since the diagnosis was done over the phone. (I said to myself, “How did he know that?”) He could tell I had something going on in my digestive tract. Dr. Fine healed me in 3 sessions., I stopped eating bread and cereals (a major challenge for me). During this time, my cough diminished tremendously and by the third session it was gone!

Dr. Fine not only helped me with my coughing, but also treated me for some other issues I had. When he’s healing me, there’s no pain and often I’m falling asleep, sometimes snoring! Sometimes, I feel warmth, other times, nothing much. If I have tension anywhere in my body, it’s gone by the end of the session. It’s amazing that I don’t have to tell him where I’m hurting, since he feels/senses whatever part of my body needs healing. He definitely has been blessed with a gift and is working with the Divine because I feel a WHOLE lot better and even started to lose weight!

Thanks, Dr. Fine! You’re awesome and I’m so glad I met you!

D. P., Teacher

A Life Overtaken By Fear and Panic

I have suffered severely for most of my life due to constant anxiety, fear, panic, etc., and as a result have had continuing health and relationship problems. Getting up everyday and just making it through the day used to be such a challenge. Many years of trying to heal had passed and I was losing hope. Although I had done lots of "work" on myself, I kept hitting the same roadblocks: unhealthy relationships, poor health that didn't improve, a frustrating financial situation, unease, fear, dissatisfaction, and loneliness. It was quite exasperating to have such a situation and no sense of how to make things better. I just did not know what to do. I had looked for help, yet I said no to several healers who just didn't "feel" right. With nowhere else to turn, I decided to pray. I prayed deeply that I be healed and asked God for help.

My prayers were answered when I met Dr. Fine! He cuts right to the source of the problem and is able to help on many levels. He takes you to a place where true healing occurs.

Dr. Fine has helped me recover in so many ways. My ability to concentrate is increasing. I am now able to shift my attention to the task at hand, rather than having uncontrollable thoughts race through my mind. My sense of self is becoming more peaceful and I can breathe more deeply. Self-acceptance is actually a realistic goal now. The ability to focus on what is important and not on all the downfalls is more of my regular way of being. I feel so honored and blessed to be in contact with such an enlightened healer and am so grateful and very excited to continue this healing process with him.

Corrie Casserly, Biologist

Hernia Fixed -- No Surgery Needed

Sometimes the best things in life happen unexpectedly. Such was the case in my having discovered Dr. Irwin Fine, a remarkable healer. When we first met, little did I know of the extent of his healing capabilities. With his skill and technique, he was able to stimulate my inner energies to heal a painful, large protruding inguinal hernia that traditional doctors concluded could only be "fixed" through surgery. I will be forever grateful to have gotten healed by him.

Robert Schnitzer, Television Producer

Depression and Chemical Poisoning

Irwin Fine has helped me more than any other healer or health practitioner I have worked with. At the time I met him I had sunk into the worst depression of my life, a downward spiral that was near bottom. I was also suffering from a combination of physical ailments, in part caused by chemical poisoning, which a dozen healers had previously been unsuccessful in treating. I didn't know what to do or who to turn to for help. When I started working with Irwin, I felt things shifting on a very deep level. It was amazing how quickly I started feeling better both physically and emotionally (not only because he uses only his hands to heal), but also because I don't see him in person. I live over 400 miles away and receive my healing sessions through Irwin's capabilities to do distance healing. As a medical intuitive, Irwin is very much in tune with my body and what it needs to get well. At the same time, through his healing he has raised my spirits and lifted me out of my depression. For me, Irwin is a true God-send! God has blessed you, Irwin, with your gift to heal others. I can't thank you enough for all your help!

Barbara Deutsch, Information Management Consultant

Chest Pressure

I knew Dr. Irwin Fine as a friend and a guest on the television show I produced.  At that time I had a lot of chest pressure and anxiety. There were issues in my heart that I had put off. When I emailed Irwin about possibly being on my show he immediately answered the email by revealing to me the chest pressure and anxiety I had!! When we met and I interviewed him for the show, Irwin placed his hands on the sides of my head and I instantly felt relief from my chest pressure and it has never returned. He is now working on my Fibromyolgia symptoms. I love his genuine concern and care for his patients.

Letty Colon, R.N.

**Fibromyalgia -- widespread pain in the muscles, tendons and ligaments throughout the body, with accompanying fatigue.

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Healing from Sexual Abuse

Dr. Fine has done a lot of good things for me. I first met him at a "Healers Night". He is an exceptional healer, and he can tell you what is wrong with you, right away. So far everything he has said about me and the people I know has come true. I was amazed at this. One of the main things he has done is clear my mind. Dr Fine has helped me with my confusion over many things, especially the sexual abuse I suffered through, at the hands of two of my uncles! Every time I leave Dr. Fine I feel rejuvenated. I feel so good, so much stronger and more centered. I think he is amazing.....he can pinpoint exactly what is happening to anyone. Dr Fine truly has the ability to heal!

Ann Shinsato, Account Analyst and Reiki Master

A Scary Vaginal Growth Vanquished

My lover was causing me tremendous sexual anxiety--to the point where I woke up one morning with a painful pinching feeling in my vagina. Upon examining myself, I discovered a large ugly growth had suddenly appeared, scaring the daylights out of me! I immediately called Dr. Fine, and in just one phone session with him (as I live far away), the pain and growth were gone and I was healed! Hooray! Thank goodness for Dr. Fine's healing abilities.

Chandara, Psychic

Lymphoma No Longer A Problem

I am a certified Massage Technician, so I have an understanding of whole body wellness and well being. Using the Life Flow technique (laying of the hands), Dr. Fine has reduced the annoying walnut size lymphoma on my upper back by at least 60% in three sessions. Also the ever present annoying pain is now gone!

This is great work and a great healing process! Thank you Dr. Fine for relieving me of something I falsely thought I would have to live with for the rest of my life.

Al Diaz, Certified Massage Technician

** Lymphoma -- a tumor, which can be cancerous

A Perfect Pregnancy

After having a difficult first pregnancy (which included daily morning sickness and sleepless nights), I decided to have a second child. When I got pregnant again, something went wrong and I had a miscarriage on the 9th week.. My doctors didn't know why this happened or how to prevent it. My husband and I were very worried, and ended up waiting about 4 or 5 months before trying again. This time I had another miscarriage on the 10th or 11th week. I was saddened, and again my doctors had no answers.

Although discouraged by my doctors, we really wanted one more child, so I got pregnant one more time. 9 weeks into this pregnancy I met Dr. Fine. He immediately began hands-on healing sessions with me, and from then on my daily morning sickness was gone! In fact the hands-on healings helped with pain relief throughout my body. I found that I had plenty of energy in spite of being pregnant, and I was able to easily fall asleep at night.

Amazingly, I didn't need to take any time off work at all. A few hours before giving birth, I stopped working and went to the hospital, and within 6 hours had a very easy delivery. I gave birth to a large, healthy baby boy, and today my baby and I continue to be very well. My family and I are extremely grateful to Dr. Fine for his tremendous healings.

Gisela Nicolas, Full-time Mom

Fear of Living

There was a time in my life when all hope had been lost. I had heavy metal poisoning which led to deep depression, moodiness, and thoughts of anger. I was fearful of everything, resulting in problems at work and difficulties with my social life. I had a general fear of living that affected everything I did, so much so that I just wanted to die.

I had gone to many different types of healers, but no one was able to help me. All they did was treat the surface problems, not the source. One day at work I began to pray for a different type of healing. I wanted to get help so badly! When I prayed I asked God for help in finding a local "hands-on" healer. That's when I was guided to Dr. Fine's web site. I was happy to find out Dr. Fine does distance healing over the phone, which has been very effective.

Dr. Fine has worked with me in many areas, as there were many issues that had to be healed. One by one they fell by the wayside. The whole time he has been honest and up-front with me about what had to be done to achieve the healing. With his patience, healing, love, wisdom, and no-nonsense approach, I can now say that there is no trace of what once was.

I now look forward to each day. My courage and self-esteem have returned, my fears have evaporated, and I've developed some new skills that I never knew I had! Dr. Fine is an amazing healer. This is the best choice I have ever made in my life and has been worth every minute. Dr. Fine is truly a heartfelt, good, and real person. He has a true gift. Thank you, Dr. Fine.

Randall Fuehrer, Design Engineer

Domestic Violence, Divorce, TMJ, and Back Pain

I had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Fine about four weeks ago. I stumbled upon his web site and made an appointment right away to see him in person. When I first meet Dr. Fine, I was struck as to how humble he is. He instantly gave my son and me a hug and helped us relax in just a few short minutes. Dr. Fine showed me where my pain was located with a body scan that only took him minutes to do. He then used his hands to do the healing treatment. I was surprised that I felt so much peace inside, because when I arrived I was pretty discouraged. You will feel the warmth of energy flowing through his hands into your body. During my healing, I could feel the energy as he laid his hands on my head.

One week later, my outlook on life seemed more positive emotionally, and the pain of my TMJ had disappeared after 12 years of continuous excruciating pain in my jaw. What I love most about Dr. Fine is that he is down to earth, warm, and about as loving and caring as I have ever seen a person be. He truly cares for his patients and goes the extra mile to help. I have grown so much in the past few weeks, and I know that I owe that to Dr. Fine. He has truly been given the gift of healing. Dr. Fine takes no credit for the healings, yet his work is awesome.

Debbi Glessner, Home School Mom

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Relief from Pain of Childhood Abuse

For the past several years, I have suffered from major depression, lack of energy and motivation, asthma, upper back pain, and various other symptoms due to a history of extreme childhood abuse. Prior to sessions with Dr. Fine, I had tried everything under the sun----SHEN, EMDR, Reiki, prescription antidepressants, counseling, SSRI's, you name it-----with very little results. I was discouraged to say the least!

Since Dr. Fine has been treating me, I have been able to cut down on my antidepressant and I am almost completely off of my asthma meds. I also no longer need my nasal decongestant, and I don't have the upper back/lung pain anymore! What a relief not to need to take all of those meds! But more important, I feel much more positive about the future and my physical energy level has improved.

I would highly recommend Dr. Fine to anyone with troubling physical and emotional symptoms who is tired of the run-around and lack of relief from typical western medicine treatment modalities. Anyone who is tired of the "bugs and drugs" stuff will find Dr. Fine to be a breath of healing fresh air. Just try him....I truly think you won't be disappointed!

Corinne E.
Reiki Master and Hospital Administrative Professional

Heavy Metal Detox and Career Shift

Irwin is from the “old school” which does not need fancy machines to determine what's wrong and how to heal it. He intuitively knows. When you work with him, you'll find yourself thinking more positively and feeling like a new you is emerging. What he does is subtle, yet powerful. His abilities are very strong. I was lucky to have found him at a time when I had started a heavy metal detox, because he's helped me through both the tremendous physical and emotional rollercoaster that accompanies such a program and has kept me balanced. He has also been instrumental in helping me through a radical transformation of my career in the entertainment industry. I am so thankful to have found him!

Ruth Deutsch, Entertainment Industry Writer

Getting to the Root of Excruciating TMJ

How could it be that this Dr. Irwin Fine -- who was gently cradling my head as I lay on a padded table before him -- was about to help change my life? I had almost given up trying to find relief from my excruciating jaw pain - Temporomandibular Joint Disease or TMJ. I was almost 59 and each year, the pain was getting worse, so bad that I could only partially open my mouth; my jaw bones constantly clicked; I was restricted to eating soft foods, and I lived on pain relievers. But, then, through some miracle, during that third session, Dr. Fine "attached himself" to my deep "internal pain" and what came out of me were two "holograms," for lack of a better term" (as Irwin delivered them, almost like they were being "reverse-born" out of me): They were a three-year old me forced to have oral sex with a grown male model, while my father watched and a photographer took pictures … and the second me that Irwin so skillfully let slither from my poisonous insides, was a sad-eyed 15-year-old trapped in the front seat of a car, forced into giving oral sex to a fat, balding father driving her (me!) home after a night of babysitting. No wonder I didn't want to open my mouth! Was it any surprise why I had kept my jaw clenched for 56 years? After the session, I began to open my mouth WIDE and my pain had diminished by at least 70%. I honestly don't know how long the session took because I went somewhere else, to the deepest parts of me!

Had this been conventional therapy, that journey would have taken years if I could have made it at all; but, with Irwin's gifts, it was a straight shot right, dead center to what I had to see and feel in order to get well! This guy is the real deal. I'm totally convinced he works for the Main Man! I recommend Dr. Irwin Fine unequivocally for any malady, emotional or physical.

Suzanne H., Writer/Editor/Publicist

Loss and Depression

After having lost the three most important men in my life: my 29 year-old son, my only brother, and my husband - all within 13 months, my life had become unfocused and I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with it. I thought my grieving was completed but there was a persistent sadness that weighed me down and interfered with being able to function the way I wanted to. I was limiting myself to a safe routine, and felt no sense of direction for the future.

I began seeing Dr. Fine in September of 2003. He talked with me before starting treatment, answering many of my questions . Then when we went into the treatment room and he placed his hands on my head, my heart was expanded and I felt more open and lighter. The energy continues to work after he finishes the treatment.

It is now January of 2004 and my future looks so much brighter. I've been able to let go of the past and move on with my life. I love to do ballroom dancing and I've started dancing lessons! I'm applying for part-time work. I'm no longer unsure of my future and my ability to claim it. My heart has been opened and my sensitivity to others honed by Dr. Fine's healing abilities. I'm very thankful that I was led to Dr. Fine and grateful for all that he has done to put new purpose in my life. I now choose the new freedom that my losses have opened for me.

Janet Lini, R.N., Hospice Care

Heart Condition and Immune System

Dr. Irwin Fine's approach to health and healing is remarkable. He uses the laying on of hands in a caring, nurturing and effective way of healing. I'm truly excited about the progress I've made in repairing the effects of long-term stress to my heart and immune system in only two months. He is a treasure.

Frederick L. Capossela, Ph.D.
Professor - California State University

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Chemical Sensitivity, and Physical and Emotional Abuse

I have been disabled for 12 years because of my chemical sensitivity. I'm allergic to perfumes, cleaning fluids, and pesticides. Dr. Fine, I've never known anyone quite like him. He's spiritual, with a talent, a gift. He has the touch and an intuitive sense that he knows where it's hurting mentally and spiritually.

I had some abusive situations in my early childhood. I remember having nightmares, but I couldn't remember what they were. Working with Dr. Fine I found the reason was that I was abused as a child. It was very painful, but Dr. Fine helped me.

R.H., Nurse

Overwhelming Chaos and Emotional Turmoil

I came to Dr. Fine with overwhelming emotional turmoil. I was depressed, I had low self-esteem and consequently no self-confidence, and my life was suffering in a big way. I was the kind of person who felt fearful, shy, and unmotivated, and nothing was working right. I would start a new job, but it seemed that something would go wrong, and I'd just end up having to find another, and then another. My relationships were at an all-time low, and I felt closed off from my family and friends. I blamed my problems on my environment, or anything else except myself. For many years I'd been neurotic, finding myself not being able to pass my "glass ceiling" because of fear and self-doubt. I was literally at a standstill, like a hamster spinning in its wheel, working hard trying to figure out the same answer but never getting anywhere.

Thankfully, Dr. Fine has helped me find a balance to my life. Even in the midst of chaos, he has helped me learn to be the quiet stillness during a wild storm. Learning to take responsibility for my life and knowing that the focus comes from within, not from the outside, has made a huge shift in my consciousness. I've come to enjoy and appreciate the people in my life everyday. I live with a positive outlook and have a new found appreciation for the things that I do have in my life, not feeling sorry for myself anymore.

Since I've worked with Dr. Fine, my life has now become stable, and is heading in an exciting, joyous, and positive direction. I am eternally grateful for the love and compassion Dr. Fine has given me through his work. Thank you for the peace of mind, Dr. Fine.

A. D. L., Loan Officer

Pain, Asthma, Poor Digestion, Depression

Dr. Fine has helped me in more ways than I could have imagined. When I first went to him, I was suffering from chronic muscular pain (similar to fibromyalgia) but associated with pulmonary problems. On top of that I had asthma, poor digestion, lots of allergies, depression, and was on the verge of breaking out with shingles. Dr. Fine used his hands-on healing and luckily stopped the shingles before I broke out. Over time he helped me to breathe better, and now I've been able to eliminate two MD prescribed asthma drugs. His healings have helped to restore my sense of mental clarity, and they've lifted me up out of a deep depression. My allergies and digestion are now under control, my pain level has diminished by 65%, and I have my life back!  Dr. Fine turned things around for me, and the quality of my life is vastly improved.

Beverly Ann Long, Shaman, M.A. Ed.


I went to see Dr. Fine because of the pain and anger I was feeling as a result of the Fibromyalgia I have had for the past 13 years. Dr. Fine laid his hands gently on my head and at that moment I felt a great power coming through his hands into me. I began to feel less angry and a lot of the pain went away. As my sessions with Dr. Fine progressed the pain and anger became less and less. Finally thru Dr. Fine's work I began to feel a peace and contentment that I had not felt since I was a little girl with my mother. Because of Dr. Fine's healing hands I am learning to love and respect myself.

Sandra Carrasco, Retail Sales

**Fibromyalgia -- widespread pain in the muscles, tendons and ligaments throughout the body, with accompanying fatigue.

Peaceful Healings

I know from my several interactions with him that Dr. Irwin Fine is a sincere and giving person with a truly special gift of healing, that he uses to help all people. The power emanating from his hands, coupled with his deep meditation makes for a peaceful form of healing that ultimately leaves you with a supreme sense of tranquility. To hear him talk about being the vessel for the healing energy that has benefitted so many people, is a statement to his kind and humble character. He has been working with me on a variety of ailments, and his methods and motives are truly from a divine source!!

Jason Irizarry, Account Manager

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